Personal account by an enlisted fighter pilot of the 34th Pursuit Squadron, who arrived in the Philippines on November 22, 1941. The squadron was assigned to Del Carmen field in Pampanga, and was equipped with old P-35 fighters. All the fighters were…
Personal account of a young American who enlisted in the Air Corps after graduating from high school. He was assigned to the Philippines and attached to the 20th Pursuit Squadron in Clark Field when the war broke out.
War experiences of a young American who enlisted in the US Army in 1940, was shipped out to the Philippines in October 1941 and assigned to the Fifth Air Base Group.
He was in Mindanao when the war started, and tells of his hauling supplies…
A personal account from a different perspective: the author (assisted by his son) writes about his experiences as a reserve officer called to active duty and sent to the Philippines just prior to the outbreak of war. He was assigned to Bohol and…
Detailed personal account of the defense of Bataan, Death March and prisoner of war experiences of a young man whose memory remained clear through the years.
A radio operator in a tank of the 194th Tank Battalion, he describes action from inside…
Raymond was a sergeant with the 48th Materiel Squadron, a US Army Air Corps unit which arrived in the Philippines in November 1941. Without planes to support, he became an infantry sergeant and saw action in Bataan.
Middleton was drafted in 1941 and sent to the Philippines as a member of the 803rd Engineer Battalion. He was at Del Carmen airfield when the war broke out, and was moved to Bataan to build airfields for planes that never came. He was among those who…